I was wrong in my May 26 post. The Blue Jays really did build a nest over our front door while we were away, and now she's up there brooding on eggs! I think of the classic haiku poet Issa, his compassion toward the spiders and other creatures that lived with him...
This morning a Brewer's Sparrow flew in to the island. This bird breeds in the west, nowhere near here, and has never been recorded in Maine--it's only been seen seven times in the entire Northeast. We got good long looks at it down by the Ice Pond, along with many other birders securing photographic evidence.
Led a bird walk this morning for Coastal Mountains Land Trust at the Ducktrap River Preserve: drumming grouse, gobbling turkeys, warblers, and spring's early wildflowers--which are as much a joy to see again as the birds.
When I was a child, my grandmother, whom I called Nana Ruth or Nan, would send me out in spring to pick a bouquet of white violets from the lawn. That was my thing. A fistful fit perfectly in a special little vase she had.
This morning as I was leaving for work, I stopped to look at a bird in the backyard and realized that dozens of warblers were flitting through the new leaves, a wave of beauty and song.
The best part:
the way they moved,
singing, through the trees.
Took the boat shuttle across the harbor to Vinalhaven this foggy afternoon to meet up with our friend Kirk, who took us deep into the mossy woods on private property to see a Great Horned Owl nest with two fuzzy owlets in it. We also glimpsed both adults keeping a close eye on us, making sure we didn't get too close.
A friend recently lost her father. While a death is almost always hard to take, it seems especially difficult to deal with when the whole world around you is so blatantly coming back to life.
So hard--
planning a funeral
while tulips are budding.